The video below could help you when applying for Social Security Disability.
I can't breath
I stand in solidarity with Asians and ALL those who are not racist assholes.
Officially there is a water shortage in the Colorado river. A “United” country would be building more water pipe lines. Not oil pipe lines. China should be building more water infrastructure. But instead, they are building stupid ass military islands. Someone should tell Poo Bear about the seas rising. Nah, let it be a surprise.
The same challenged individuals who don’t want to believe Covid is real, are the same Schmoes that don’t believe in climate change. They still wrongly believe that President Obama played more golf while in office, then trump for brains. HE DID NOT! He also did not stay at his own properties, putting millions of tax payer dollars in his pocket. Heelspurs did exactly that!
So, I am in line at an elementary school here in the Muncie area and there is a car with a bumper sticker that says, “Make taxation theft again”. Or some such nonsense. Now anyone who comes to this site regularly, already knows the point I am about to make. You are picking up a child, probably your child, at a school that is PAID FOR BY TAXES! You drove to that school on roads paid for by TAXES! What is theft, is when the rich rig the system even MORE in their favor, so they can steal from the rest of us. Get a fucking clue.
I often pass this church that has a sign that says, “honk for freedom”. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Freedom is fought for, not honked for you imbeciles. I recently found out that less than 1 in 100 Americans have served in the military. I served, as well as both of my brothers and my father who served during World War ll. Now how many of those whack jobs with the big American Flags and the trump flags waving in the back of their pickup trucks, do you think served?
I heard a radio commercial for the news on that local radio station. It said they let you hear what the politicians say from the politicians themselves. Yea, fat lot of good that does, when the politician is lying! Get that check yet from Mexico for a wall WE can’t afford? Trump said he would be too busy working to play golf. Then, he played MORE golf than President Obama. Trump also stayed at HIS properties which is a violation of the Emoluments Clause. Trump said that Covid was like a hoax. Oh wait, many of you still think it is. How fucking sad for your family, and the rest of us.
Yes, I am still alive. Maybe more alive than ever. A lot of my life was stolen by others, but I am enjoying life quite nicely now.
If you need an example of bullying, look no further than forcing Female Athletes to wear skimpy bathing suit bottoms, while not making men wear them.
Some Republican stiff from Tennessee is worried, the infrastructure bill will add to the deficit. Well trump for brains, where the well were you when trump and company gave out those huge tax cuts to the rich? Where the fuck were you when George W did the same thing? Were you around when Reagan gutted the cooperate tax? All three of those GREATLY added to the pile. Here is and idea. Go be stupid somewhere else!
Enjoy life. But enjoy it while sometimes helping others enjoy there's. Or your enjoyment will be hollow.
Seize the mother fucking day!!!!
How have you mother fuckers been????
Here is a picture, representing my Sarcastic Druidship...😊
Greed brings out the worse in people. Well greed and racism. Do you know where your integrity is????
My parents were Republicans,
But they were NOT the type of Republicans who think its ok to incite an armed mob of morons, to invade OUR US Capital. They were NOT the type of Republicans, who would be ok with president trump making millions of dollars off of his office, while president. My father was a veteran, and sure as hell wouldn’t be ok with trump, a draft dodging piece of shit, making fun of Veterans like John McCain. They were NOT the kind of Republicans who would be ok with standing in the way of investigating wrong doing by ANY president.
Basically, they were not the type of Republicans, that there are today.
Hats off to anyone who refuses to hold a paper hat rally for Marjorie and Matt. When Republicans use words, they don’t know the meaning of like Communist, they just look that much more foolish to people who aren’t stupid. We have freedom of speech. We also have the freedom to not listen.
I have picked up a couple of projects, so I won’t be blogging every day. Probably. Lead by example. Help others. Get rid of the clutter. Empty out that fucking storage unit. Call someone you love. Call someone who needs someone to call them. Visit someone who needs a visit.
According to multiple sources, Senate Democrats have introduced legislation to federally decriminalize cannabis. There is no better example of how incremental change sucks! How many billions of dollars have we waisted, imprisoning people for weed? Oh and, HOW THE FUCK HAS THAT WORKED OUT????
This is our crossing of the Delaware River. Not just with weed, but with racism, and all other forms of bullying. Paying women less, bullying the poor with stupid ass laws, selling seeds that were no good to Black Farmers, letting big business shit on the environment, THE SEVEN ARE COMING!!!
Let’s say that mankind is represented by ten people on an island.
One person has 90% of the wealth.
Two other people have 4% of the wealth each.
The other Seven people get to share 2% of the wealth.
Those 7 people are fucking tired of this sorry ass set up.
They are coming for you rich, mostly white, bullies!
Well, it seems that several Appalachian states face billions in mining cleanup. It’s a good thing for those responsible, that Republican politicians have passed many laws making it harder if not impossible to sue big business. It’s also great news for those rich people, that Republican politicians have polluted our court system with people, some who are no more qualified to be a judge, than trump was qualified to hold the most important fucking job in the world! How can we not be on the worst episode of Candid Universal Fucking Camera!!!
It has come to my attention, that Colorado has made Delta 8 and 10 illegal. What are Delta 8 and 10? It is THC that is derived from hemp. It was made legal during the last farm bill. They are ok with pot, but not hemp? What bullshit is this?
Famers grow it and make money. That is really a good thing for farmers. To have things to grow, that they can make money off of. Now here in Indiana, it has been legal to buy it for now. The state of Indiana HAS to be making a lot of money on it from taxes. They could just raise the tax a little, and make even more money. But Republicans are in charge here, and bullying and doing stupid things is pretty much their MO. Also, Democrats aren’t innocent in this bullshit either. Pot is a schedule one drug like Cocaine and Heroin. That is more asinine than the second Iraq War. You can’t sit a jury for pot offences and you sure as heel won’t be able to sit one for hemp charges. The people, that’s us, are fucking tired of this bullshit bullying. But the people, and facts, and reality, seldom cross paths with Republican politicians.
How much money has been spent on sending people to jail for pot? We better grow the fuck up soon. The people are tired of your bullshit!!!
Update: Some Republican governors are sending troops and police officers to Texas to the Border with Mexico, to help fight crime. BWAhahahahahahahahahahaha
You are encouraging your followers to believe that the Covid virus is not real. You are encouraging your believers to think that it is possible to steal a presidential election in the US, with mail in ballots. Even though there is NO fucking way that would be possible with millions of votes. You want to white wash history, and keep women and everyone else down, so you can stay on top. Well FUCK THAT BULLSHIT!!!!
Everything you do is either based on lies, and/or just for show. Where the fuck are those caravans filled with diseased women and children? Any by the way, did Jesus ever shit on other people the way you seem to like to????
If you are a Police Officer, and you are a Republican, what the fuck for? If you are in the military, and you support trump, have you NOT been paying attention? If you are a Christian, and you support trump, well there is probably no hope for your misguided ass.
The gutless attack on OUR fucking Capital on January 6th was NOT fucking ok. If you are so ignorant of facts and reality, that you think that it was ok, the blood of that stupid bitch that died AND any blood from police officers, is on YOUR FUCKING HANDS!
Senator Blackburn was warning Taylor Swift, that the Socialists and the Marxists will not let her record music if they get in charge. If this wasn't so fucking sad, it would be funny. By the way, Social Security, is a great example of a socialist style program. Making it harder to vote, is a great example of a Republican program. Fire Departments and Police departments are great examples of Socialist style programs. Lying about the feasibility of stealing an election by millions of mail in ballots, is a GREAT example of a Republican style program.
Get a fucking clue people!!!!
It really seems to come down to reality vs fantasy. White men, treating everyone else like second class citizens, was always going to be a dead-end road. I don’t give a rat’s trump how many degrees you have, if you can’t see the truth, you are part of the problem. If you are white, but can’t see the obvious mistreatment of everyone else, you are part of the problem. If you are a white male, but can’t see how we have treated everyone, since the beginning, well you are also part of the problem. The problem is that some people think, others should be treated differently. Whether it is because of their heritage, the color of their skin, their religion, or the fucking vehicle they drive, WE are all equal. It doesn’t matter if you want to believe the truth, the truth still exists.
My father died when he was 59. Two packs of cigarettes a day, a love of beer, never going to a DR., and being poisoned with radiation by the US government at the end of World War ll, finally caught up to him.
Today I turned 60. I was bullied, and abused both mentally and sexually. Not by my family, but by others. I rarely look at my face. Maybe 4 or 5 times a year. I don’t look at my face, because others made me hate my face by calling me names. I had very crooked teeth, started losing my hair around14, and had just about the worst acne you could have. Even a teacher once told me, “It looked like my face was on fire and they tried to put it out with a pick axe”.
I don’t know how many more years I have, but I intend to use those years for speaking up for those who do not have a voice. We may not be able to save society, but either help, or get the fuck out of the way. We have work to do.
I am not an expert on Critical Race Theory. But I am an expert on life. If you think people of color are not treated differently than I will guess that is the reason we need Critical Race Theory. Because some white people are so out of touch with reality, that they have to be taught reality. How fucking sad is that shit?????
Happy Independence Day. Let’s remember what our forefathers were doing. Why did they want independence from Great Britain? Because Great Britain was a bully. Our forefathers wanted freedom.
Those on the “right” say they want freedom. But the freedom they want, is the freedom to tell others how to live. They want the freedom to throw the peoples vote out, and stick another old white man in office, despite what the people want. Fuck that! The Seven are coming.
Hey Senator Grahm, the republican politicians don’t need any help looking like fucking idiots. Remember when you made President Obama walk a tight rope through his 8 years? Then you let a reality tv star, wipe his ass with the Constitution. You backed a guy that said Mexico, a poorer country than ours, was going to pay for a 30-billion-dollar wall that WE can’t afford. Remember when you guys said President Obama wasn’t qualified to meet with the shithead from North Korea? But you had no problem letting that freak get together with him. He gave away the team Spirit Exercise’s and got NOTHING in return.
You had no problem with the George W administration deleting 22 million e-mails, but you lost your shit when Hillary deleted 30k. You didn’t seem to upset when 13 embassies and consulates were attacked during the George W administration killing some 66 people. But you lost your shit over Benghazi.
You whined and whined about caravans of diseased women and children that were coming to America. But then your side said that Covid 19, a real virus, was a hoax. You republican politicians are all fucking idiots.
Years ago, I lived in Prince George’s County, MD. One day I heard a commotion and looked out the window. Several Police Officers were pointing a gun in the direction of the Black Man that lived across the street. There was a very scared child standing next to him. The Police were yelling at him to get away from the child. Eventually, they fucking through him against a police car.
Apparently, a child who lived down the street, said that he carried a gun into the house. Now it was HIS fucking house. I know of no law that forbids someone from carrying a weapon into their house. Even if they are Black! Also, there was NO fucking gun in his house.
Years later, I was playing poker with some of my longtime friends. I mentioned this story to them, and my Attorney friend George, said, “Oh yea, PG County is well known for their police brutality.”
So yes, all lives matter. But all lives are NOT treated the same. THAT is the fucking point, if you haven't gotten it yet.
In the end, this election nonsense shouldn’t be hard to figure out. Do you remember after the 2016 election when Hillary beat trump by millions of votes? Remember what he said? Those were illegal immigrants voting for her. He had no proof of course. He almost never does, because he is lying.
Fast forward to 2020 and “oh the election was rigged”. Now a smart person should know that in order to steal an election with mail in ballots, first you would need a list of millions of registered voters who you somehow know, aren’t voting. How the fuck do you get such a list? You see smarter people should know, that you can’t fucking vote twice. Not to mention the fact that you would have to fill out MILLIONS of ballots and sign them the way the voter signs their name.
It's NOT fucking possible. Kind of like Mexico, a poorer country than ours, paying for a Fucking 30 billion dollar wall WE can’t afford. Learn how to think and question stupid shit. Or standing for the fucking anthem will be the least of your worries.
OK, update: if I am wrong about something, I will own up to it. Earlier I said Republicans can’t win because they are liars and thieves. The Republicans in the state of Michigan, who just finished investigating trump and the paper hat gangs claims, found them to all be BULLSHIT! So thank goodness, SOME Republican politicians have courage, and integrity. I stand corrected.
But then those SAME Reepublicans, go on to say voting should be more restricted. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Maybe I wasn’t corrected after all?
There is only one reason that the Republicans are making it harder for people to vote. The Republicans can’t win fairly. They can’t win fairly because their policies, if you can call them that, SUCK! They give to the rich, while robbing the poor. Now trumpsters won’t be able to understand that, because knowing stuff and figuring things is hard.
Let me try to esplain it to them. When you don’t pay your workers a fair or living wage, you are stealing from them. Wild, isn’t it? When walmart doesn’t pay their employees enough to live on, they are stealing from them AND tax payers! I absolutely believe there should be programs for people who need help. But people who are working a full-time fucking job. Shouldn't need much fucking help!
The Republicans cannot ”win” unless they cheat. That is because they are a bunch of fucking liars and thieves!
I stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance in my late 20’s when I realized what an absolutely ridiculous thing it was. However, never in my mind did “justice for all” mean anything but that, justice for all. Yet I have had sub-morons tell me that it really means, justice for Americans only. Never once, when I was uttering that ridiculous shit, did I think it meant anything other than Justice for all! Never once, when I put on my Army uniform, did I think it meant anything other than that!
We either have justice for all, or we are NO better than ANY other country. We either let ALL Americans vote, or we are NO better than ANY other country. If you want to be patriotic, how about acting like a fucking grown up, rather than a pledge of allegiance reciting zombie!
So, I hear that major prick Matt Gaetz and crazy bitch Margery Green are going to start a group called America First. I would compare it to white people complaining that they aren’t treated special anymore. This is what happens when you don’t pay attention in history class. Or any class seemingly. Also, if you don’t already know. I am white, but I am not THAT white.
There seems to be a major sickness, that mostly white people get, and mostly white people don’t understand. But not all white people. I weas conscious at a fairly early age, that white privilege was a very nasty disease. It keeps people from seeing and understanding reality.
Those two pieces of shit that I have already mentioned have it very badly. Now they probably only know people who “think” like they do, therefore they have misguided themselves into thinking most people agree with them. They don’t, as you hateful shits may eventually learn. But probably not.
“An even field MUST include access to the field.” tww
I have had a few people complain to me about the price of gas lately. Now who is in the White House has almost no impact at all on the price of gas. These same people thought gas was going to be $6 a gallon when President Obama was in office. Remember??? I do. They also said President Obama was coming after their guns. Remember? I remember that he did no such thing.
Now the president can release fuel from the reserve, but that hasn’t really seemed to change the price much. So, while you are whining about the price of gas, let me remind you that the current President is NOT wiping his ass with the US Constitution. For example, he and his squad are NOT spending most weekends at the President's own properties, which is against the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution. No President Obama did NOT play more golf than president heelspurs who spent millions of OUR dollars at HIS properties.
Also, the current President is NOT putins bitch, like the last president was. Imagine where we would be with the Covid problem, if that horse's ass trump had won? Is your imagination able to be that honest with you? I rather doubt it.
I will be 60 years old next month. I was not an A student, but I did pay attention and I did graduate, despite learning issues that have been recently diagnosed with me. I remember when the George W Administration got in trouble for deleting 22 million e-mails. Republicans have told me, “Well they retrieved some of them” which of course has not one fucking thing to do with deleting them in the first place. But that is one of their MO’s. Distract from the sometimes-horrible truth.
I started school in Corfu New York where I attended school up to the 5th grade. We then moved to Florida. I attended Clearwater Comprehensive Vocational Middle school, and Then Largo High School. I say this, because personally I would like to know why the fuck I never heard about the Tulsa Massacre. Or any one of other MANY massacres of white people, by gutless ignorant groups of white people.
My guess will be that many people, to and include some people in charge, are afraid of the fucking truth. Well, they SHOULD BE!! Yet they want to whine about people kneeling for the fucking anthem? You are some out of touch mother fuckers!
So, Rep. Michael McCaul says we should start “thinking” about hitting back at Russia. Well Mike, many of us have been. Especially since trump was clearly puttin’s bitch. Good to see some of you starting to catch up to what is going on in the world!
Oh and EVERY time someone dies from morons thinking the virus is a hoax, that blood is on EVERY trump supporter's hands.
It appears that the “Supreme Court” has ruled that the bullying for low level crack cocaine offenders can continue. Why? Probably for several reasons.
First, the war on drugs is a tremendous catastrophe. Like the trump administration, Republican politicians especially, can’t admit to mistakes. I am not even sure they can see them or understand what they have done again and again to bully the poor.
Also, there is money to be made by the scourge that is private prisons. Rather than keep violent criminals in prison, they would like to keep abusing the poor with drug laws.
A BIG shout out to Israel, for kicking that asshole Netanyahu out of office. He is a bully and nothing more. Now Russia and China need to get rid of their bully's.
Let’s say that all the people in the world are represented by 10 people on an island.
1 person gets 90% of the wealth.
2 people each have 4% of the wealth.
The other 7 people get to share 2% of the wealth. Now this may not be perfectly accurate. But if you aren’t an imbecile, you can see the problem here. Let me assure you that the Seven are coming.
I think that one that surprises me the most is that Republican politicians seem to be as bad at breaking laws as they are at making laws.
Its spring, and summer is just around the corner. Who is already killing their weeds with good old Agent Orange? I mean you don’t actually believe it is bad, right? One of my brother-in-law's did several tours in Vietnam as a medic. He died from SEVERAL types of cancer! He got a letter the day after he died, telling him he had been accepted into Medicaid.
But after witnessing nearly 60 years of stupid ass humans, doing stupid ass things, surely there are some Agent Orange deniers out there. If there are, they absolutely have a trump flag in their yard.
Who has gotten any asbestos installed lately? I wonder if there are any asbestos deniers out there? Like they don’t believe that asbestos is bad for you. They think the fiberglass Corporations made it all up, so they are buying it from a third world country, because they “think” it is all a hoax.
Don’t get me wrong. Power most certainly corrupts the human animal. That is why no matter who gets elected, they need to be helped and watched, or we deserve the bucket of shit that was the trump administration.
But Republican politicians have been screwing their base for years, and they are very afraid of them. The people in their base aren’t bad people. They have just been misled and I believe they will be quite pissed some day when they learn some truths.
Did you ever see the movie continental Divide, with John Belushi and Blair Brown? John Belushi is a writer for a newspaper. He writes a story that his editor doesn’t like so the editor leaves it on his desk. The story gets printed anyways by mistake. In Crazy People, a similar thing happens where some ad's are printed by mistake.
There has got to be the reason that USA Today ran that ridiculous fucking story about human/animal Hybrids. At a time when disinformation is running rampant, and stupid ass human animals will believe any stupid ass thing, What the fuck were you thinking?
Why not run a story about some truth? For example, Mexico, a poorer country than ours, was NEVER going to pay for a fucking wall WE can’t afford. How about a story that shows how the Clinton Foundation is none of the things Republicans like to say it was? How about a story about the trump foundation that shows IT was exactly what the trumpsters were saying about the Clinton Foundation? How about a story that shows that the Muller Report was not a fucking hoax and that it produced 199 criminal charges, 37 incitements, and several of trumps thugs were sent to jail? Or how about a story that shows that the Obama Administration did NOT cage children OR spend 750 a DAY per stolen child to store them?
If you have the ear of people, you have a fucking responsibility to NOT mislead them. If you do, may you rot in hell! I am looking at you foreign owned fox entertainment. I am also looking at several others to include Senator Mike Braun of Indiana, who apparently does not know how our election system works!
I hear the paper hat crowd, or Qanon has a new thing to believe in. Apparently, president* heelspurs (trump) will be back in office later this year. Now sure they have missed all the other dates they made up, but I think I know how it could happen.
First, Aliens come here and take all the smart people to a diferent planet. Then, that jackass could be sent to the White House in a land slide.
What the fuck is wrong with that lot?
When mostly white people pass laws that hurt mostly minorities, they are doing so out of spite. They are not doing it out necessity.
When mostly old white men, pay women less for doing the same job, it is out of spite. It is certainly NOT out of necessity. This is bullying for no other reason than spite and maybe pretend elevated self-worth for some people. Can you see reality?
Happy and safe Memorial Day for all my fellow Veterans, their families who stood by them, and all others who are not hateful shits.
I find it super ironic that Republican governors think that by refusing to accept the extra unemployment money, they are somehow standing up for their voters. Yet they are missing the same point that president heelpurs (trump) missed when he and his ilk gave out those tax cuts to the rich. You see, if they had given that money to those who needed it, those people would have spent that money and the economy would have been on fire despite the complete ineptness of heelspurs and the Republicans.
But hey what do I know? I have just been paying attention for 60 years, and ignoring the obvious bullshit we have been taught.
Hey Republicans, why do you hate America?
So, pretend Senator and shitty boss Mike Braun agrees with Indiana governor whatever his name is, that they should stop accepting the extra unemployment money the federal government has been paying. They think it is keeping people from working. I actually know of two people that took the 500 dollars for several weeks. They are step sisters. Neither of them worked full time, yet they both got more than 500 dollars for several weeks. Ironically, their Republican mother had no fucking problem with it. I guess that is why Republican politicians are worried about They know their base.
Ironically, the problem is much more complex. For example, many people used to come to this country to do the types of jobs that Braun and his ilk wouldn't touch. Sadly, they did the cowardly thing and support president heelspurs, who then discouraged many good workers from coming to this country. Covid has also dealt a blow to the pool of available workers. Then, there are the pieces of shit like Braun, who were lousy bosses, making some workers decide it just wasn’t worth it. It REALLY fucking matters who you vote for people.
I do not believe in any particular deity. I do believe in Fate, and Karma. When the actions of people are necessary, at least the motive can be understood. But when the motive is spite, we see an example of some of the very worse behavior of our specie, and it should never be encouraged.
Tennessee is the latest state to confirm their racism by making certain things a no-no for teachers to discuss. After all, it is MUCH easier to repeat history, when you don’t fucking know any. -This is all about fear. The people in Tennessee clearly are afraid of the truth. Just like China is afraid of the truth. Just like Russia is afraid of the truth. The GOP have proven time after time that they are also afraid of the truth.
The truth will set us all free. Care to start telling the truth GOP? I didn’t think so.
I saw a vehicle with several stickers on it that said, “Support Mask Choice”. I certainly do because we all have a choice now. Get the fucking vaccine, and you can take off the fucking mask. Isn’t that so simple? Simple enough that a trumpster can understand. Well it should be anyways. I got the vaccine. I can go maskless next week. It is that simple.
Rich guy and shitty boss Senator Mike Braun doesn’t want the truth taught about slavery. Yes, Tucker Carlson, this is a fucking fundamentally racist country. Look at our fucking history you knuckle draggers! Look at what we did to Japanese people during World War ll. Look at how we have treated immigrants. Look how some police have been allowed to abuse their powers for years shooting unarmed black people.
The truth will set you mother fuckers free. It will actually free all of us. But you have no use for truth or freedom. Freedom means people are allowed to think and that is the last thing you want. Sadly!
Senator Bernie Sanders is THE man! He is moving to block the sale of weapons or at least some weapons to the bully called Israel. That’s right, a JEWISH Senator has more honor and courage than most of the GOP. Liz Cheney, not included of course because apparently, she can’t be bought.
So, I hear that Senator Braun is against the 1/6 commission. That is so odd because Republicans loved these investigations in the past. Look at whitewater. Look at Benghazi. 13 Consulates and Embassies were attacked under the George W administration, and not a fucking peep out of Republicans. But then an Embassy was attacked under the Obama administration, and the pretend patriots from the right leaped into action. There was a considerable amount of lies about Benghazi. Oddly enough they ALL came from the right and they were ALL bullshit. Never the less, foreign owned fox entertainment had that burning car on their news for months and months. Keeping the mindless bird sanctuary patriots riled up and ready to spring into action, if it was convenient.
Senator Braun also believes that the election was stolen. Even though there is no logistical way it could happen, at least not with millions of mail in ballots. It's not fucking possible you knuckle dragging apes!!!
Imagine being so scared, that you, and one or two or several other people, beat the shit out of someone. That’s not fear. It’s bullying. It’s abuse of power. It sure the hell isn’t “protecting”! WE either grow the hell up as a specie, or we die as one.
I support good police officers. I do not buy the bullshit excuse that a police officer was scared. Firefighters walk into burning buildings. If you are that scared, then get a different job. Want to be treated like Andy Griffith? Then fuckling ACT like Andy Griffith! The police have rules. But too many have become bullies. Too many police have been using profiling for years, that’s just another way to bully. The things we are seeing in videos, did NOT just start happening. It's not ok to shoot someone in the back, because he is running away. The police need clear rules about when they can use deadly force.
Oh, and here is an idea. Let’s stop shitting on the poor. You would be surprised how much better they might act. We need laws that protect people, not bully people.
So, I got the Janssen Vaccine. So far, I don't see anyone following me. But then they can track! I barely felt it, I kept moving my arm for a while so it should be less stiff later.
Now let’s talk about the trust you put in someone when they watch your children. I found out yesterday, that while one of our kids stayed with a friend for a few days' years ago, that friends x-box broke. So that friend went and bought a new one, then put the broken one in the box and returned it. What the actual fuck? I am sure this friend thought it was funny. I fucking do not! Stealing is wrong. But then so is lying, at least in theory if not in reality.
He also brought over a bootleg copy of the Simpsons movie and I let my kids watch it against my better judgement. This person had plenty of money, His friend who got the movie also had plenty of money. You can bet your white ass what they would say about a black kid stealing a fucking candy bar. We really suck as a society.
It is time to reconsider the ten plus million dollars the US gives Israel every day! I have nothing against Jewish People. But Israel is a bully and Netanyahu should have already been in jail. Muslim people need to stop being burned out of their houses and Israel needs to STOP stealing land.
It has been reported that facebook has made the ban on president horses' ass, (not the current president) permanent. I applaud this move. But make no mistake, facebook is MAJORLY responsible for that shit-head being elected. At this time, I still have no use for facebook. Twitter is also responsible, but I left twitter because some “resistors” told me we can’t fix things overnight. It was around April and May of the year we would like to forget. I said the police need to stop abusing people of color to include killing them. I was told “we can’t change things overnight”. Yes, no shit sherlock, but I knew that bogus argument was about to be tossed forever. Then it was. I also said we better get our heads out of our trumps about the virus. Same lame answer, we can’t change things overnight. But a week or two later, we sure the fuck did change things pretty quick, now didn’t we?
GOP Rep and grown up wanta-be Paul Gozar said police executed Ashli Babbitt during the capital riot. She was trespassing. She and her “patriots” had broken and entered. They had attacked the police. I am censoring myself. Though I stand by what I said originally.
You have no fucking problem when the police are harassing people of color. Also, you Clearly have no fucking idea what the word patriot means.
If they were patriots, why the fuck didn’t Mcarthy and Pence go out and meet them? Because you are just fucking lying again. You all are some sad cowardly pieces of shit!
Republican politicians are continuing to down play the events of January 6. I used to think they were being dishonest on purpose, but I now wonder if they aren’t just complete fucking idiots. They all suck at the teat of foreign owned fox entertainment. They are just as clueless as their supporters. None of them seem smarter than a fifth grader.
Once again, to steal an election with five million fucking votes, you would need a list of 5 million people who are registered to vote, but who are NOT voting. Just how the fuck did the Democrats compile that fucking list you morons? Then, they would have to fill out five million fucking mail in ballots, signing the names of the voters just like they do. Any fucking idea of the logistical problems of that? Of course not, because you gave it no more thought than you did Mexico, a poorer country than ours, paying for a thirty billion dollar fucking wall.
You are too stupid for words!
Most Republican politicians have chosen the side they want to be on. They have chosen lies over truth. They have chosen fiction over facts. They have chosen cowardice over honor. They have chosen trump, over you and I.
When Republicans pass laws making it harder to vote, they should be required to show evidence of why those changes are necessary. Because they are lying constantly about almost everything. CALL THEM ON THEIR BULL-TRUMP!!!
In the meantime, those states need to stop seeing are money being spent there. Everyone gets to vote, or the voting means nothing!
The web site was down for a so far unexplained reason. Make no mistake, Republican politicians are only “conservative” when someone else is in charge. They need to be called on their constant bullshit.
When people make it harder to vote, they are not protecting voting. They are protecting themselves. How cowardly and without honor.
Many many years ago, when I went to church, we used to sing “Jesus loves ALL the little children of the world”. It's quite clear that republican Jesus only loves the American white children. Sadly, it's all a facade.
Do you know where your compassion is?
I just came back from the Muncie Lowe’s. More and more people are not wearing a mask. One guy coming in the door, rubbed his face as if to say, “look, I am an asshole.” We know asshole.
A short time later, a guy came into a convenient store where I was and said, “I can’t read” implying he didn’t have to wear a mask because he couldn't read. I am not sure what the saddest part of this is, though I suspect it is the fact that some of these humans are passing on their faulty shallow depth human genes. Along with witless humor that rarely even reaches the bar of humor.
Most of our hope is in the younger generations. As hitler said, “your youth are already in our camps” except in this case. Foreign owned fox is saying it and they are talking about adults, sadly
Music has always been important to me.
when I am in a vehicle, I am a jamming mother fucker. Muncie should be known for the amount of trains that pass through. This Friday morning, I waited about ten minutes for one. I noticed the person behind me was sitting there with her head propped up on her arm, like she wanted to be somewhere else. Then she noticed me dancing and soon, she was also moving to some music. Pass that shit on.
Have a great weekend.
I have been working on a greenhouse for a while. We also have a rather large vegetable garden. I will be working on that for a day or two.
I suggest gardening for many reasons, having fresh food to eat is certainly one of them.
So, the GOP has offered up their version of an infrastructure bill. You see the GOP wants the people who use the roads to pay for them. Yet they had no problem giving massive tax cuts to amazon and walmart. Who the fuck paid for those? Oh, that’s right. Our children and our grandchildren. Fortunately for the GOP, many of those who vote for the GOP are no smarter when it comes to reality,
Fix the fucking infrastructure, and make the billionaires pay! You can make a billion dollars but you sure the hell can’t earn a billion dollars. Let’s get smarter than a third grader as a country. Let’s start with learning that rich people don’t create jobs, demand for a product does.
Those new vehicles are something aren’t they? Especially the headlights, and the payments. The payments have to be huge if so many of you can’t replace the fucking headlight when it goes out. I just had an asshole on East Jackson behind me with one headlight on. So of course, it was on high beam. It actually hurt my eyes, but hey, nice Get your fucking headlight fixed, or drive a fucking vehicle you can afford. It’s a safety hazard!
The freedoms in this country seem endless. For example, you are free to take advantage of Black People in Kansas apparently where Black Neighborhoods are being hard hit by property tax sales. If you are white, you are still pretty much able to pretend that these things are not happening, or that they are not racists in nature. But hopefully those days are coming to an end. It is NOT ok to pretend these things are not happening, or that they are not deliberate. Once again, I am white, but I am not THAT white.
Evolve or we all shall die.
One good thing I can say about Indiana, is even though the Governor is a Republican, he took the virus seriously to begin with. Well as serious as a Republican can. Sadly though, as the numbers went down, he fell in line with the others and started opening up too soon. Now the numbers are rising. Again. Because we have the freedom, to elect stupid ass politicians. How great we are.
Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin said, “what do you care if your neighbor gets the vaccine or not”? Well Mr. Dip Shit, the more the virus spreads, the more it will mutate. The more it mutates, the worse it will be for everyone. Who is electing these trumpsters?
The Ohio GOP wants to name a park after former president trump. But if you could name it after one thing trump did, what would that be? “He doesn’t pay his taxes state park?” “He trafficked in stolen immigrant children state park?” “He raped a girl and got away with it state park?” “People died because he lied about the virus state park?" “Russia got him elected and the proof is in the Mueller Report state park?” “He wiped his ass with our constitution state park?”
If someone is holding you down on the ground with their knee on your neck, YOU ARE GOING TO STRUGGLE. Because they are KILLING you! Wake the fuck up people!!!!
So, I just caught a few minutes of a Republican Senator, not answering questions on MSNBC. For example, he was asked if he would support and increase on the corporate tax rate to pay for infrastructure, so he talked about electric cars. He also said things like nursing homes shouldn’t be in the infrastructure bill.
So let me try to explain this in simple enough terms that a US Republican Senator can understand it. When President Obama got elected, both Bitch McConnel and John Boner said they wouldn’t work with president Obama. For 8 fucking years you did not work with him. So, he had to find ways to help Americans without your sorry ass. President Biden will have to do the same.
As far as nursing homes, you assholes over the last 4 years cut therapy twice, gutting the help patients need, and hurting middle class PTA’s. So again, the president has to find ways to help others, other than your tax cuts to the rich, which ONLY help the rich.
This stupid ass senator said that those who use the services need to pay for them. Again, he had gone back to electric cars, so here this, you gave walmart and amazon tax cuts they DID NOT NEED. Oh, and by the way, they use the shit out of those services. You and president cancer were completely unqualified for the job of running this country. You showed that time and time again over the last four years.
I took a relative to Northwest Towing to pick up a vehicle that was in an accident. The two people who were working there at the time were very nice. That ends the nice things I have to say. Why does a vehicle have to be towed there? I asked the Northwest Towing guy, and he said it was between us and the police. The police did not tow the vehicle. You did. One mechanic I mentioned this to, referred to them and another local towing company in a negative
As a retired former third generation firefighter, I have been to many many accidents. Unless the victim was dead, they were generally able to have the vehicle towed where they want. Not having insurance may be an issue, but to make everyone pay for that with this bizarre system, is unacceptable. I will be looking into why it is done that way here.
$65 dollar mileage charge, for what? Under 10 miles to be sure. $125-dollar tow charge, milage not included, I guess. $60 storage for less than 24 hours, what a deal. $20 for the city/county. WTF for???? $70 for clean up and something illegible. Oh and bring cash, because fuck customer service. The Muncie Police officer was very polite, but he implied Northwest did a lot of these so it would go well. It did, for Northwest.
There is a button on the top of my web site that says “Crisis Text Line”. There is more than one reason why it is there. For one thing, it is a link to people who help others that are in need, and for those who need someone to tak to. Also, I have battled with suicidal thoughts most of my life. I am a humanist, which makes me want to help others. I believe everyone deserves a chance and help.
Having said all that, if you can’t get your shit together, don’t take someone else out with you. Even if you believe or know that, that person is the reason for your demise. Because in most cases, that person's spouse is NOT the reason for your demise. Certainly, their children are not the reason for your demise. Random people sure the fuck, are not the reason for your demise. So please get help. But if you must, take your life only. The rest of us still have a chance to make it work.
Now onto stupid ass DJ, here in Muncie. I had the displeasure of hearing about a minute of 93.5. where DJ and funny person want-to-be said the “democrats want to add 4 seats to the Supreme Court, and out of habit, said they were going to impeach Donald Trump”. Now I will be happy to debate you ANYTIME Jaybo. You can reach me at I will debate you on air, or on line. I guarantee you know virtually nothing about either of those two things, or how they affect all of us. You regurgitate the witless humor from the “right”.
You either have no idea how Republicans stole at least two seats, or why it matters. Have you questioned who paid off Justice Kennedy’s gambling debts? Did you know ANYTHING about why he retired? Do you understand the ramifications of the right, stacking the court with those who want to serve the rich and pretend to serve their sky-daddy, while letting the rest of us rot?
Have any idea how trump wiped his ass with OUR constitution? Did you know that the Mueller report produced 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments and several people were sent to jail? Including one of trumps former campaign managers, and his former attorney/fixer. Yea that is real fucking funny, isn’t it? He spent MILLIONS of OUR tax dollars at HIS properties. Are you rolling on the fucking ground yet? He has misled trumpsters about the covid, clearly causing the deaths of people. TOO fucking funny, right? Knowing stuff and acting like and adult is just too hard for some. They are too lazy to try to be a better person, so they elevate their selves in their minds, by looking down on others.
Remember how we heard for years how “Obama needed to go to jail”? Then we got a white president, and he can’t even fucking be charged with a crime? Standing for the anthem doesn’t do shit for a homeless vet. Fuck you and your ignorance that leads others of the fucking cliff!
Some students that attend a high school in Texas, held a slave auction on snap chat. This is an excellent example of why some white people are afraid of becoming a minority. Because they do not want to be treated the same way they and so many others treated minorities. Again, they are really just afraid of themselves. A sobering thought to those equipped to have that thought.
6:57 AM
It has been reported that President Biden will announce a final US troop withdraw from Afghanistan by 9-11. So’ of course the Republicans had to complain about it. But then they are the ones that sent a clown to the White House who constantly wiped his ass with our Constitution. They were the ones who “thought” that Mexico, a poorer country than ours, would pay for a 30-billion-dollar wall that WE can’t afford. Didn’t think that one through id you now?
You have zero integrity left, Republican politicians. Zilch, nada, nyet! Remember that “weapons of mass destruction” that you said Iraq had? In reality our intelligence agencies knew exactly what Iraq had because the US had sold it to them under President Reagon. There were NO weapons of that description found.
So, crawl back in your hole. We are out to make things greater than ever. Not great like some made up magic date in the past. You have shown that you can only win by cheating. The rest of us have shown, you will always be the minority. Too bad you didn’t treat minorities better, boy.
At this point some Republican politicians just want to be right or correct about something. Don’t get me wrong, they will mostly admit to nothing. But they think one little victory, will make them look good. Let me explain it to you.
You supported satan as the last president. You supported hitler for the last president. Didn’t “fake news” sound familiar to you? You are so afraid of someone else, shoving their beliefs down your throat, that you don’t see how poisonous some of your own beliefs are, when shoved down a throat.
You were NOT correct about the virus. You are STILL lying about the virus. You are still lying about tax cuts, and cuts in rules and regulations, and fracking, and immigrants, and illegal immigration, and entry level jobs. I can’t think of anything you are on the right side of? The NRA was hijacked in the late 70’s by assholes. You think your religion is the only good one, basically, in an attempt at high jacking pretend moral high ground. Many of you think your skin color is the only good one. You are basically on the wrong side of almost everything!!!
No end could ever justify that shit!
4/13/2021 5:10
Evan an animal doesn’t live in its own shit, unless a human makes them live that way. (though there may be exceptions) But look what we are doing to this planet. Let’s hope the technology that brought us so many “technological advantages” can bring us relief, from the refuse of those “advantages”. 1:59 PM
Police need more training. But like everything else, Americans want the cheapest fucking deal. Maybe for our sake, we should try to stop being so fucking cheap.
If you are one of these people who think people of color should just do what the police say, congratulations. You are the fucking problem!
Will Smith is taking his shit out of the state of Georgia. Well done Mr. Smith. Hitting racists where they will hurt, in the wallet, is the only way at this point. If you can’t look through our history, and see what has been done to women and minorities through the years, then you are probably an old white man. I have said this before, I am white, but I am not THAT white!
Some white men will tell you that if you that if you work hard, you can do whatever you want and make whatever you want of yourself. Its horseshit of course. It couldn’t work even with just all white men. Let alone with all of any other group. The table is slanted. That deck has been stacked. “An even playing field MUST include access to the field.” tww
Perspective!!!! Without it, we are screwed. People need things put into perspective for them. One of the things that the last president ran on is to cut rules and regulations because they lie to people and say they cost jobs. Now first, those rules and regulations protect both the worker and the consumer. If you think we can’t afford them, you are only fooling yourself.
The same goes for cutting taxes for big corporations. Do you people have internet access? Because big corporations have NOT been hurting over the last few decades. But WORKERS have!!! Open your eyes and look around. Big corporations have been raking in the cash. What the actual fuck???
So, I just visited the Dollar General that is closest to me. I haven’t been there since last year when two of the workers there were talking about how “parents had to pull their children away from Joe Biden”. I guess they were all right with the guy who was in the White House then, who had double digit sexual accusations against him. Oh, and those were just the ones who were brave enough to come forward. Didn’t he also say “when you have lots of money, you can grab them by the pussy”, or something like that? Your stupid ass is ok with that, but question Biden smelling some hair? Holy shit you two are morons. But I digress.
Tonight, there was a slob with no mask on, coughing into one of the food coolers. People may call me a slob, because of the way I dress. But they will NEVER catch me doing some piggy shit like coughing into a cooler.
Thankfully we are making more trips to Costco in Indianapolis. Please build a Costco here in Muncie!
I guess what I was trying so eloquently to say yesterday is this, if our fellow Americans can’t be counted on to do the simple things that need to be done, we certainly can’t count on them to do the more important things. For example, parking in a fire lane, because they are clearly more important than the rest of us. That lane is pretty important to fire fighters.
How about reporting crime? Recently Asian Americans have been attacked by trumpsters, while others just stood around. This shit hasn’t happened while I am around because I sure as hell won’t just stand there. Too lazy to park where you are supposed to? Then may you are too lazy to help when you are supposed to.
When I worked at the local hospital, one of the police officers who worked there was walking by and I heard him say this, “I have faxes and emails coming in. I can’t be worried about being parked 2 or 3 or even 10 inches out of a parking space”. Now at the time I had 7 or 8 e-mail accounts yet I can nail a parking space any time. That is some stupid ass lazy shit there. Too lazy to park in a spot, maybe too lazy to investigate things properly?
Way too much of being politically correct, is having some fucking manners and not being lazy. The Washington DC football team being called what it was for so long is, you got it, laziness, not to mention a hint of ignorance. My wife says I use to many commas. I am ok with that.
I was picking up some kids at Selma Elementary here near Muncie. There are two lanes, but one huge black, probably expensive vehicle was taking up more than one lane. I looked over at the driver as I squeaked by, but she seemed oblivious. A little later that same vehicle passed me in the line and she was throwing trash out her window.
Let me explain something to you. If you throw trash out of the window of the vehicle you are in, you are a fucking pig. Got it? I don’t give a rat’s ass how much your vehicle is worth. Keep it in your fucking lane and if you can’t do that, then get a smaller one. Throwing trash out of your window, especially when kids are in your car is unacceptable. Sadly, you were probably raised poorly also. It’s ignorance and laziness.
I have no complete faith in the government, or healthcare. But you dumb mother fuckers who won’t get the vaccine because you think there is a chip in it, absolutely need to not breed. Do not bring forth onto our planet human beings that will end up being that stupid.
By the way, you don’t want to be tracked? Do you leave your cell phone home when you leave? It is tracking your dumbass, also keeping track of several other things. How about that new car you have? The internet says that most new cars have some type of tracking device in them. Do you leave your car at home when you leave?
Then you have devices in your house that listen to everything you say. Your apps keep track of almost everything. Your watch is also keeping an eye on you. You older people have watched movie after movie about how humans cannot be trusted, yet you ask Siri to play a fucking song for you. The government tracking you is your worry? You see, I know that the more people that get the virus, the more times it will mutate. Keeping us from ever fully having what you are too stupid enough to understand. A chance at a better future.
I have heard over and over how “both sides are the same”, when it comes to politics in the U.S. . Though there can be similarities, in the last four years the Republican party has gone to plaid, in the direction of the foil hat club.
I have stated in the past, regardless of who gets elected, they need to be helped and WATCHED. Otherwise, we absolutely get what we deserve. Sadly, those who come after us, do NOT deserve what we leave for them.
It is obvious that the Republicans cannot win normally, and without cheating. How they can do one thing, and again and again lie about it and get away with it is astonishing. The Mueller Report did NOT say trump was innocent. It said he couldn’t be charged, because that is what trumps personal Attorney General said. Yes, he was supposed to be OUR attorney general.
The Mueller Report also produced 199 criminal charges, 37 indictment, and several people were sent to jail including one of trumps former campaign managers and his former attorney/fixer. Try to find a trumpster that knows or will accept ANY of that. All corporate media is slanted some but without the press, we would be even more enslaved to the rich. Oh, and foreign owned fox is nothing but poison.
So, while I am reminiscing about my Korea days, I thought I would share this story. When I first got to Korea, I was held over at the processing place, because I had a clearance. A car came from Seoul, to pick me up. It took me to the Headquarters of the Honor Guard.
The First Sergeant there explained to me that because I already had a clearance, they wanted to offer me a spot on the Honor Guard. I was indeed honored. They had me drill for a while with some other soldiers. I tested out fine, and they said if you want the job, it’s yours.
Now to be honest, I am not a crowd of people kind of guy. It’s gotten much worse over the years. Also, my feet are flatter than Ted Cruz’s head. So standing in 0ne place for an hour or two did not appeal to me in any way.
I told the TOP, the First Sergeant thanks but I thought I would pass. Now going by the reaction of the TOP, and then the reaction of the guy who drove me back to Seoul, I may have been the first person to ever tell them no. Had I taken the job, a Secret Service or FBI job or the like would have been a snap to get.
I do not regret my decision. I still had some pretty cool and sometimes wild times in Korea. You have to make decision for yourself sometimes.
So I got following spam. Clearly if this shithead had my informaation, he would know I don't have $1000.00
I also don’t have cameras on my But I do hereby curse this human piece of shit.
Hello Wurster, Thomas,
You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
I'm a hacker who cracked your devices a few months ago.
I sent you an email from YOUR hacked account.
I setup a malware on the adult vids (porno) web-site and guess what, you visited this site to have fun (you know what I mean).
While you were watching videos, your internet browser started out functioning as a RDP (Remote Control) having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and web cam.
after that, my software program obtained all of your contacts and files.
You entered a passwords on the websites you visited! , and I intercepted it.
Of course you can will change it, or already changed it.
But it doesn't matter, my malware updated it every time.
What did I do?
I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were watching (you've got a good taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web cam.
Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
– Do not try to contact with me
– Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment, as you are not my single victim. This is a hacker code of honor.
Don’t be mad at me, everyone has their own work.
exactly what should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $1000 (USD) is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).
My Bitcoin wallet Address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have 48 hour in order to make the payment. (I've a facebook pixel in this mail, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message).
To track the reading of a message and the actions in it, I use the facebook pixel.
Thanks to them. (Everything that is used for the authorities can help us.)
If I do not get the BitCoins, I will certainly send out your video recording to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so on. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I'll destroy the video immidiately.
If you need evidence, reply w! ith "Yes!" and I will certainly send out your video recording to your 6 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said don't waste my personal time and yours by responding to this message.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address. I do not make any mistakes. If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed. Bye!
Yea, don't hold your breath Linda.
I was in the US army, Korea around 1979-1981. I spent some time as a driver for a Major, and then a lieutenant colonel. One day Major Olds and I were out scouting a place for the battalion to move. We went back to an already agreed to spot to meet a helicopter, so we could give them the location.
While we were waiting for the copter, some children showed up. This place was what most of us would call in the middle of nowhere. No paved streets, no electricity, just people who lived off the land, like so many before them. The Major didn’t really know any Korean words, but I had picked up a few.
Eventually, we set up a relay race. The Major and I each had a team. After the race was over, Major Olds gave them some of the snack food, he liked to keep in the jeep. Some of the kids left, and came back with fresh vegetables. We had no way to cook them, but we didn’t want to seem rude.
For a few hours, on a sunny day, in the middle of nowhere, our races, our nationalities, our languages for the most part meant nothing. Whatever they had thought of Americans before that, their laughter showed that they thought we were alright. It’s a good memory. It’s a happy memory. We all need to work on those more. I wish you all, all the luck.
For those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter. For those and the rest of you, have a great day.
Senator Todd Young said he is more worried about China, than the infrastructure bill. Here is an idea, let’s do more than one fucking thing at a time? By the way Todd, your boy putin is building up troop's on the Ukraine border. Also, more important than China.
As far as corporate taxes, we need to educate Americans on how much Ronald Reagan cut those taxes back and how THAT built up quite a bit of debt. Taxes are not the enemy. Lies are.
So apparently the President misspoke about Georgia's racist voting bill reducing voting hours in Georgia. So now fox news and them are making a big deal about President Bidens mistake. So’ I will put several trump lies up here to make you feel better.
trump lie #1. Mexico will pay for the wall. BWAhahahahahahahahahahahaha. Mexicio, a poorer country than ours, was going to pay for a wall WE can’t afford.
trump lie #2. “I will "show my taxes.” He can’t show his taxes, because he doesn’t PAY any taxes. Surely that is something to be proud of. NOT!
Trump lie #3. “A general came up to me and said Mr. President, we don’t have any bullets.” The level of ignorance required to believe that bullshit is off the charts.
Your shit is week republican politicians.
Hey Georgia and all other states who don’t want to let everyone vote. We will hit you in the pocket book, until you can grow the fuck up. Think we are playing? Watch us win!
Fuck taking a day off.
First, you people who play Texas Hold-em, and whine about algorithms, and suck outs, and short stacks, can all kiss my short stacked ass! Everyone should play the same way? Bwahahahahaha. See ya at the table...😊
Now as far as the Lieutenant schmuck Governor of Ohio, If you want to come down on China for stealing technology, or being somewhat seemingly ungrateful for the help with World War ll, or Pooh Bear killing off anyone who isn’t the “perfect Chinese Person”, that’s one thing. Tweeting out what you did about the flu is just another example of the childish behavior that has lived just under the surface of about one third of the people in the United States. A child in a local school here in Indiana, was reading a story with the class. When the child came to some Spanish words, she said “it's all ching chang chow”, or something like that. She had to have learned that witless racist humor from somewhere. To smarter people, she looks pathetic. That kind of behavior is not something to be proud of. About one third of this country, is already at Idiocracy level. This is not an April Fool's joke. In this case, the fools are not funny.
Taking a day or two off.
They claim voter fraud without any proof.
If we aren't smart enough to call them on their bullshit, they will keep shitting on us.
Get the fucking vaccine if you can.
Apparently, the Wine and Vine is under a protective order from its asshole neighbors. Personally, I think it’s bullshit. If the thugs were black, they would already be sentenced. However, I will not pursue this any further at this moment. Make no mistake, these bird sanctuary patriots are NOT standing up for Americans. They are standing up for their racist, bullying, that has kept others down for centuries.
The positive Covid rates were going down, but we are too fucking stupid as a specie to learn from it, and keep being smart about it. Now the numbers are going back up. Because we can’t do the correct thing? No. Because we DON’T WANT TO. We seem to be devolving and becoming more immature by the day. Oh, but we have thumbs. BWAhahahahahaha BWAhahahahahahahaha
Personally, I don’t believe in a heaven or hell. But if either does exist, the lowest level of hell is reserved for traitors.
Make no mistake. Those white people who are comfortable bullying others, clearly do not have the recourses to understand what they are doing. If I do not here from the Indiana States Attorney, or the Delaware county prosecutor, it will be time to get the media involved. Not to mention an animal rights group or two.
The thugs who attacked The Wine and Vine in Muncie Indiana need to be punished. The fact that they are white, or trumpsters, is NOT a valid defense. In fact, it's never been a good defense. WE evolve and mature, or we die as a society. All for vanity and misdirected pride.
There is only one good definition for “United” in the name United States.
A good friend of mine got pregnant and had a baby around the age of fifteen. The family sent her off to stay with a relative miles away. The father was 21 years old. 21 fucking years old. Nothing was done to him, because in the eyes of our tilted society, it was her fault and not the adults. It’s this same damaged mine set that allows old white men, to continue to shit on everyone else. Yes, I am white, but I am not THAT white. I am a male, but if I “think” that makes me better, its automatically the opposite. I am automatically not better, because I am using damaged logic to come to that conclusion. The bullying will stop or are society will fail. I need no college degree to see this. No one should need anything other than clear eyes and an open mind.
“We can continue to fight each other over greed and deities, or we can come together to fight the upcoming battle with the weather. We could have never one both of these battles, and it may be too late to win either.” tww
If you are not lying, show your proof!!! YOU CAN"T!
Republican Rep. Jan Jones said the provisions cutting the time people have to request an absentee ballot are meant to “increase the likelihood of a voter’s vote being cast successfully,”. Her nose then grew 14 feet long! Stop your fucking lying, republicans. There is NO way to steal an election in the United States, by voter fraud with millions of fucking votes. You have to be completely ignorant of how our system works.
Where is the proof???? YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!!!!YOU LYING SACKS OF SHIT! Now election fraud, there is plenty of that if you open your eyes. Reducing early voting, closing polling places, purging voter rolls, LYING ABOUT the integrity of ur elections without ANY fucking proof, dark money, foreign owned fox entertainment dumbing down the herd, Questionable voting equipment, questionable people in charge of state elections, and so on.
There is NO proof of widespread or even narrow spread voting fraud or you would show the proof. Sadly, too many of your supporters don’t have the recourses to know you are fucking them. Fortunately for you, because many of the have weapons. They are often proud people, and they wouldn’t appreciate being taken advantage of by those they support. If you weren’t lying, you would be shouting your proof from the roof tops. SHAME.
Georgia Governor, and human piece of shit, Brian Kemp signed a bill into law in Georgia today making it easier for Republicans to cheat. All white guys standing around him, while he shits on our democracy. No women. No minorities. Just white guys. Brian Kemp, and his ilk are cowards. They have no courage. They have no integrity. In the military, we would say THEIR SHIT IS WEAK! Fuck you gutless cheaters!!!
Our slave raping forefathers could not have given you the right to own machineguns as they did not exist then. I have friends here in Indiana who have guns. I have never seen their guns and they don’t fucking take pictures of themselves with them either.
Now one of the reasons you say you have guns is to protect your stuff. Why? Because other people might want to take your stuff. Why? Because you have voted for old white men all your life, those same old white men have made sure it is far easier for white people to have stuff, than any other people. This isn’t an opinion. Open your fucking eyes and look around!
Then of course you want to protect your family. If someone else hurt your family it would be a tragedy. However, nearly 1300 children are killed by guns and many more are seriously injured. What about their safety? People are getting shot by automatic weapons at the store, movie theatres, and schools. What the fuck about their lives? What the fuck about their rights?
Any time someone says they are coming for all the guns, I ask them:
1) Would you give up your guns? Hell, no they say.
2) Do you know anyone who would? Hell, no they say again.
3) Do you know anyone who would want or do the job of taking away guns? Hell, no again.
So, they are never going to come get your guns and take them all away. So maybe we could grow the fuck up some and have some fuckling rules if you are so fucking law abiding!
What the fuck is going on in this country? Where was the justice when president cancer was wiping his ass with OUR constitution? Spending OUR money at HIS golf properties? The letter below should be self-explanatory.
Dear Prosecutor Eric M. Hoffman 3/24/2021
3100 S Tillitson
Suite 270
Muncie, IN 47302
I have learned that the building of a local business, and a dog that the business owner has, was brutally attacked by neighbors of that business.
The Wine and Vine
East McGalliard Rd
Muncie, IN 47303
Apparently, these alleged crimes were recorded with security cameras. Yet as far as we know, the alleged criminals have not been charged. After the January 6th attack on the US capital by terrorists, I would hate to think that kind of behavior would be tolerated in Delaware County Indiana.
Thank you for your time,
Thomas Wurster
106 S Keystone Circle
Muncie, IN 47303
Copy; States Attorney's Office
I miss my friend. RIP Buddy.
I regret to inform you that all the old blog is gone. We have not been able to recover it from the crashed computer. Always back up your files. R.I.P. words of wisdom.
The founder of Texas Roadhouse took his own life, partially because of Tinnitus from Covid 19. I am very sorry he had that. I have had it since I was child. It is so fricking loud now, I don’t sleep until I can’t stay awake any longer. What used to sound like a thousand crickets or frogs, now sounds like ten thousand crickets or frogs, with a giant fucking gas leak on top of that. But the Social Security Judge somehow got the idea that my tinnitus was intermittent. No, your “Honor”, IT NEVER FUCKING GOES AWAY!!!! I said I couldn't fucking sleep! I really have to wonder why you made the choice that you did. The two people you saw before me, were in there for a TOTAL of about 25 minutes. Their lawyer told both of them, in front of my wife and I, that they had WON their case. THEN, you fucking drill me for an hour and fifteen minutes? Then tell me that a disease I have had for over 30 years doesn’t fucking qualify??? I have NOTHING but contempt for you and a lousy system!
It seems, “cancel culture” seems to be a hot topic. Now as far as “political correctness”, to me that just seems to be having some fucking manners. But there are things in our culture that have to go and they have needed to go for some time now. “That’s how we always did it”, in no way makes something alright to do. Women have been treated horribly in the work place. The way minorities have been treated is equally as bad.
I was training a coworker one time. He said, “I guess the ni@#^%'s don’t like the rebel flag being displayed.” To that I replied, “I always wondered what rebels were prouder of, losing to the North, or raping slaves.” He had nothing else to say for a while. Claiming something is your culture or heritage, does NOT make that culture or heritage ok, or something to celebrate.
Shit needs to change, and some of it is changing overnight. So, help with that change, or get the fuck out of the way. It's that simple because we ARE going to change!
So apparently president cancer doesn’t pay any fucking taxes. If you want to call 700 dollars ok, you are too stupid to be here on my web site. I blogged again and again, that is why he lied about showing them in the first place. HE DOESN’T PAY ANY FUCKING TAXES!!! Also, THAT IS NOT FUCKING OK!!!
We are getting screwed by the super-rich, and many of the rich. You can’t fucking earn a billion dollars. You can make it off the backs of others though. That isn’t something I read somewhere. I figured it out all on my own! The masters, the 1% of the 1% want a divided electorate. That way, they can keep screwing the rest of us. Wake the fuck up United states!!!
Also, a United States would have been building WATER pipe lines, not oil pipe lines. Just saying!!!
Well done People of Georgia!!!! You have spoken, and the Republicans are backing off. Keep speaking!!! Tawanda Mother Fuckers!!!!
HEY Putin, you want to debate? Then let Alexi Navalny join You and President Biden. You don’t fucking have the guts to do that. You are a thug that sends others to do the work. You are a tupista and that is the ONLY way you can stay in power. Just like the republicans. At least they kill people with their policies and not their thugs.
Oh lord help us. The Republicans are threatening to stand in the way of progress for our country. Are they fucking kidding? Do they think everyone is as stupid as they are? Both times President Obama got elected, John Boaner and Bitch Mcconell said they would not work with President Obama. So, President Obama used executive orders when he could. Then, stupid ass Republican voters blamed President Obama for using executive orders. I don’t know how we are supposed to penetrate that much stupid?
Get rid of the fucking filibuster, or bring back the original one. Look at the places where Republicans have been in charge for years and years. How is their education? How is their economy? Wake the FUCK up!!!!
The site was down for a bit. Hosting company was also down. Shit happens. Move on.
About one year ago, I had a twitter account with several thousand followers. I was, and will always be, TheHaterOfGreed. Now I made a comment about how I would vote for Biden, but how I thought incremental change was one of the reasons why we got stuck with president cancer. Holy shit did people get upset. I was told, “”I didn’t know what I was talking about” and how “we can’t change things overnight” and some other bullshit.
One woman told me, “I suppose you want the laws passed that you want”. I said yes, “Women should make as much as men, and police needed to stop killing, beating, and harassing people of color. Even some people of color were telling me we can’t change overnight. No shit! You were freed how long ago, yet in the small minds of some, YOU ARE STILL A SLAVE!!!
I also told people they needed to get their head out of their ass about the virus. Again, I “didn’t know what I was walking about.” So, I deleted my twitter account. Then, in the next few weeks, the smarter of those people saw that I knew EXACTLY what I was talking about. More and more people of color and the smarter white people got fed up with the lack of training Police were getting and how they consistently targeted those of color.
Then, all hell broke loose because of the virus. I quit facebook because they screwed us by helping elect president cancer. I quit twitter, because who needs that stupid shit. Know what the fuck you are talking about before you tell someone else, they don’t know what THEY are talking about
The Democrats are launching their, “help is here tour”. Meanwhile, the Republicans are launching their, “Hey look over there. Isn’t that a caravan of brown people”, tour? The Republicans will use pretty much anything to distract their already distracted followers. Nothing the Republicans say has to be the truth, as most of their supporters all suck at the teat of foreign owned fox entertainment. They know their supporters in most cases will never know they are being lied to. It’s Monday in America. Wake the FUCK UP!!!!!!!!
I just watched Representative Kevin McCarthy blame the “problem at the boarder” on President Biden. Of course, the Republicans “thought” Mexico, a poorer country than ours, would pay for a wall WE can’t afford. Yea they didn’t think that one through, did they? This is just another bold face lie, by those who lie all the time. People coming here used to have a way to legally apply for asylum. But president cancer ended that a few years ago. He blocked the places where people could apply. The majority of those who did apply, before president cancer, would show up for the court date they were given.
Immigrants, who are here legally and those who are here illegally, are less likely to be involved In a crime. This has been proven by statistics. The republicans have created this problem, NOT president Biden. Those on the right who pretend to be “pro-life” sure have a funny way of showing it. Call them on their bullshit! There are plenty of examples.
Someone not wanting to pay ten dollars for a hamburger is a poor argument as to why minimum wage can’t be raised. The reality is, why the fuck do you think a cheaper hamburger for you, is worth making others suffer? It’s also a stupid argument as the places where they have raised minimum wage have not seen prices rise like that.
Also let me remind you that the “entry level” argument is bullshit. Where are the entry level groceries and the entry level car parts and the entry level health are? It comes down to us tax payers, subsidizing businesses like walmart and amazon. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
On a different note,Hey Republican's, do you see how Cuomo is being treated by his peers? Or at least many of them? They are not enabling him. They don’t give a rat’s ass what the base is thinking. Of course, most of their base is probably thinking the same thing. He has to go. Yet you enabled president cancer for over 4 years now. That is what your sorry ass should be thinking about. How president cancer was, among others things, a horrible example. for children. In almost ALL cases the end cannot justify the means. This case wasn’t even fucking close!
What is a two-faced mother fucker? Tom Wurster defines it as this; Someone who not only says one thing, then does another, but also one who takes advantage of others and their prearranged ignorance of what is going on in the world. A fine example is Mississippi’s Senator and guy who just wants to fit in, Roger Wicker. Now Rog tweeted about how great the Covid legislation will help independent restaurants. You are absolutely right Senator. The problem is, you voted NO for the bill. You and all the “not proud boys”. Your crew had no problem giving that much money to the rich. Who by the way won’t spend it like the rest of us. That makes you good sir, a TwoFacedMotherFucker.
Do NOT call the Affordable Care act, OBAMA CARE!!! What the FUCK is wrong with you journalists??? Of course, other than the ones on foreign owned fox Call it the ACA or call it the Affordable Care Act.
That is all! For now...:)
What are you afraid of? The reality is you are afraid of you.
You don’t want to be treated the way you treated some others.
You don’t want to be treated the way you treated brothers
You don’t want to be held back, the way you held back mothers
You are afraid of being led by others
Because you are afraid of yourself
I was just in the Muncie Lowes. For those of you who want to make a statement by not wearing a mask, you are making ALL of the following statements:
Your ignorance is pure.
Your laziness is pure.
There may very well be inbreeding in your family’s past.
You have no problem possibly infecting other people including children.
You have no problem causing the death of someone else.
(It looked like they worked for a glass company)
Now on to the fuckling* who parked in the lane of the loading zone (blue truck). You see, most of the people who were raised better park first, they then go in and pay for what they are getting, THEN pull into the fucking LOADING ZONE. Some people who were not raised quite as good, park up against what they are about to buy. But your ignorant ass just parked right in the fucking middle of the loading zone lane because you are the only mother fucker on this planet. This again is pure laziness and pure ignorance. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around your stupid ass for any length of time.
Fuck stupidity and laziness!
*Fuckling: Someone who is lost, and doesn’t bother to be found. Someone who thinks they are the only mother fucker on the planet. It's not always that they are too stupid, often they are just too lazy.
Another human life is hanging on a thread, because of a college hazing. (He has passed) There is a pattern here, if you are brave enough to look and see it. From tax cuts to the rich, to overburdening the poor with laws that bully. From decades of trying to keep women in the kitchen, to decades of underpaying women for the same job men will get paid more to do.
Many of those people “on top”, can only stay there by keeping others on the bottom. We have been told this is just the way it is. “We can’t fight city hall”. BULLSHIT!!!! WE ARE CITY HALL!!!! Grow a backbone! Grow a pair!
On a different note, the next time ANYONE storms the Capital, start shooting them in the legs. One bullet per person. I guarantee the rest of those gutless mother fuckers will flee the other way! You know damn well if the mob had been mostly black, many other police departments would have started shooting. We are a sad, bullying, specie. Pretending to be better, only makes it look worse.
The older blog will return. There will be a new page for videos and a page to keep you up to date on Clay county Georgia.
Washington DC is our Capital. So, STATION some fucking military there!!! Does it suck that we have to do that now? Yes. Whose is to blame? President skidmark and the March 6 bird sanctuary patriots. Oh, and all the republican politicians that supported him and CERTAINLY the ones that still support him. They are not brave. They are gutless punks. Their 15 minutes needs to be up!
Guns for everyone. What could possibly be wrong with that?
Texas and Mississippi, two states where many of their residents don’t even fucking have drinking water, are scaling back Covid rules. You see, republican politicians have screwed up those states, so they want to distract their trumpster voters by looking like they are all for freedom. Yep, freedom to have a poor power system, freedom to be dirt poor and have lousy education and healthcare. The freedom to be so fucking stupid, that you don’t understand the difference between voter fraud and election fraud. So fucking stupid, you “think” Mexico, a poorer country than ours, could or would afford to pay for a wall WE can’t afford. Yea, not much thinking going on over there.
On a different note, I got to see what it feels like to wonder if your grandkids are ok. The school went on lockdown, because a car whose driver was shooting at police, was nearby. On a related note, complete morons who live here in Indiana, think there should be no laws for carrying concealed weapons. Or at least you don’t need a permit. Why? Are they not law abiding? FYI the Second amendment says we can have a well-regulated militia. It really does NOT say everyone can have a fricken gun. But many of the gun owners have bought into the fear that someone wants to come get their stuff. Maybe they should elect politicians that don’t make it so hard for SOME people to have stuff? What a fuckling revolutionary fucking idea! I have invented the word "fuckling". I will come up with a definition later.
While we are talking about the police, who’s dumb ass idea was it to stop meeting the police half way? This is a completely unnecessary risk on the police officer's life and makes no fucking sense! If you want to support police officers, give them better training. Give them less stupid ass laws that bully the poor. Have them meet the driver at the bumper like before. Oh and punish those mother fuckers that killed the DC Police Officer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the second time in as many days, I have seen someone stopped by the Muncie Police, but they didn’t bother to pull off the road. Even if the one being pulled over isn’t smart enough to pull off the fucking road, the officer should be smart enough to have them pull off the road. In today’s case, the second vehicle was getting out the drug dog. No doubt protecting us from dangerous drugs like marijuana. Fun fact, marijuana is still a schedule one drug in the US like cocaine and heroin. That’s because as a nation, we seem to be too fucking stupid to put a stop to that nonsense. At least the Muncie Chief of Police isn’t so fucking stupid, that he thinks Hoosiers should be able to carry concealed weapons without any fucking rules. Sadly, the Delaware County sheriff is exactly that fucking stupid.
I have heard references to Sherrif Andy Taylor. He didn’t have to carry a gun, because he worked for the people, not against the people. I support good police officers. But clearly, they need more training and less stupid ass hateful laws to impose on the poor.
I finally seem to be getting some interest in my Legal Malpractice lawsuit. My former attorney told me, “it can’t all be lollipops and rainbows.” I am a veteran and I am a former third generation firefighter. But yes, I have also been a janitor. I am not ashamed of being a janitor, Chuck. After all, it is honest work and you are not making a living of off other people's misery. I will see you in court Chuck. Either a federal court, or the court of public opinion. Either way, see you then.
The 2020 blog and some other blog may have died with one of our computers. Not that 2020 wasn’t a big shit of a year anyways. One of the few good things was that president cancer was defeated. Either way, we shall press on. Have a great week people.
A computer is down. We have a cpomputer down. In the old days I would have blamed it on president Anyways, fingers crossed, chanting, it comes back to life. We are working on some things. Watch this spot...:)
We can continue to fight each other for greed and deities, or we can come together as a specie to battle the upcoming weather. We could never have won both battles, and by now it might be too late to win either.
Reposted 2/25/2021
Teachers should most certainly be very close to the TOP of the list of those who get the COVID vaccine next. So of course, they are NOT close to the top of the list here in Indiana. Way to go Hoosiers. Also 76% of Americans back the COVID relief package. That includes 60% of Republicans. So of course, the two senators from this fine state, oppose it. There may be a gas leak in this state. Or maybe something in the water????
Apparently, there is “debate raging over whether race had a role in police response to capital riot.” Might I ask who the fuck is debating this? Might I ask who is so fucking stupid that they can’t see the obvious? If you don’t “think” race was involved, you should not use your thinker for anything important. This almost 60-year-old white man has been able to see the fucking obvious for decades now. What an often-lonely spot to be. Still, it’s better than pretending that reality is something other than it really is.
I have made it one of my missions to help the Good People of Clay County Georgia. Let me assure you Dr. Kinsell and the Georgia State Health Department are in NO WAY connected to this site. I saw the story on Rachel Maddow.
Now before you run on that statement, I watch very little corporate news. I believe all corporate news is slanted some. Having said that, if it were not for the media, we would be even more enslaved to the rich. Also, foreign owned fox entertainment is pure poison.
Dr. Kinsell is the only Dr. in Clay County. Who knows when she has her last vacation? At least some of her patients can’t even afford to pay the small fee to see her. But she doesn’t turn anyone away. Her office is an old Tastee Freeze building that needs repair, to say the least.
How is it that in a state as big as Georgia, the people of Clay County don’t seem to matter? As a third generation Firefighter, I learned the value of working with corporations, to fill voids made by politicians. The following companies call Georgia their home for their main headquarters. I have written them in hopes of soliciting some help for Dr. Kinsell and her staff.
Aflac Worldwide Headquarters
1932 Wynnton Road
Columbus, GA 31999
Attn: Public Relations
Coca-Cola Company Headquarters.
1 Coca Cola Plz NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
Attn: Public Relations
If you would like to make =a cash donation, here is the address of Dr. Kinsell.
Kinsell, Karen S MD
(229) 768-3888
305 Washington Street
Fort Gaines, GA 39851
I am making a page for Clay County where I may update progress of Dr. Kinsell.
Police NEED rules! In Military Police School they teach VERY strict rules about when you can use deadly force. The suspect being unarmed and black is NOT one of those instances. If you think people of color should just “do what the officer says”, you are probably white and you are definitely fucking stupid when it comes to this topic! For the record I am white, but I am not THAT white!!!
By not punishing the Bird Sanctuary Patriots, we invite more inbreds to do the same. By not punishing the Jan. 6 thugs, including those in power who encouraged them, we again invite lawlessness. We need leaders with courage.
It seems there are a couple Democratic Governors who may be in trouble. This is what many Republicans don’t seem to understand. Wrong is wrong. Period. Your party matters not when it comes to right and wrong. You cannot justify one person’s wrongdoing, by highlighting another person’s wrongdoing.
You can ask for clarity. For example, Secretary Clinton deleted 30k e-mails. That was wrong. Period. But the Republicans didn’t get up in arms when Georg’ W’s administration deleted 22 MILLION. Clearly a double standard. But again, both were wrong!
Do things like education, and utilities, and health care suck where you live? Well if they do, then you only have to answer this one question. “Who’s been in charge?”
Let’s make some fucking changes for the good! Let’s make some changes for PEOPLE! ALL PEOPLE!!!!
Rules are not the problem people, GREED is.
Texas is famous for its lack of rules and regulations. Because they have been lied to and told regulations bad, greeed is good. So many Texans’ are freezing their trump off right now, while many of the grids board members don’t even LIVE in Texas, Bwahahahahahaah.
Perry says you should be fine for a few days without electricity. I’ll bet he is in the dark right now…😊 Be sure to give him your love the next time you see him. Oh and its not green energy causing this shit either. Its people voting against their best interests for decades, while people like Perry get richer. Enjoy!
You wouldn’t have to cage the poor people in, if you didn’t keep them poor.
Hey Chuck, no worries. I haven’t forgotten about you…😊
On another note, for a while I wondered how I underestimated how much damage president cancer could do. But in reality, I underestimated just how cowardly so many republican politicians are. They are the ones that enabled his crimes. They are also to blame for the carnage of the last four years.
A shout out to all the new visitors who have stopped by lately. We are all in this together, whether we like it or not. Our very survival as a specie depends on it. I often say, “I am white, but I am not THAT white”. The color of our skin in no way makes us better or worse.
President skidmark used fear to gain power, much like hitler did. They both villainized the press any time the press printed the truth. They both pointed fingers at anyone who was different or had the audacity to think for themselves.
In BOTH instances, they were kept in power by those who lacked the courage to do the correct thing. When we don’t learn history, we are in danger from those who have learned it. A close source said that skidmark kept a book of hitler speeches by his bed side. The truth of that statement has no affect on the reality of the last four years.
I wonder how the families of the victims of 1/6 feel after the republican senators gave president skidmark a pass? At least 7 of them had the courage to stand up for what is right.
I just heard Brian "Brain" on one of the Woofboom stations joke about how many Executive Orders have been signed in the last 20 days. Hey Brian, do you know what any of those orders were for? Any idea how many Executive orders president skidmark signed? Do you have any fucking idea what ANY of those were for? Yea, just keep playing down to the dumb. Its easier.
I am going to change things around a bit. I will repost the blog after I break it down into smaller pages.
If Republican Politicians don’t have the balls to convict trump, then they don’t deserve to be in office. PERIOD! 2/10 2021
I have written in the past that it makes no sense to hook power plants up to the internet. NOTHING should be able to be altered by the fucking internet. Here’s a fucking idea, let’s HIRE some people!!!! Well now a water treatment plant in Pinellas County Florida was hacked. Why the hell does it need to be hooked up to the internet? If there is information it needs to share, it could be displayed it on a web site. WTF???
ATLANTA 30334-0900
February 8, 2021
PO Box 2998
Muncie, IN 47307-4477
Dear Mr. Wurster:
Thank you for contacting my office to request assistance. I appreciate your concerns.
I have forwarded a copy of your information to the Georgia Department of Community Health with the request that the appropriate staff member review your information and respond to you. You may also contact this office directly:
Georgia Department of Community Health
Office of Rural Health
2 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 40
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-656-4496
Thank you again for writing. I hope this information is helpful.
Governor Brian P. Kemp
cc: Dept. of Community Health
I wrote to the Governor about Clay County. What the fuck do you do???
Watch for my videos.
A car with a “Muncie Radio Blows” bumper sticker was keyed. Way to go trumpsters. Way to prove me correct. Again!
The video below could help you when applying for Social Security Disability.